Research for poster designs

Looking into poster design helped a lot, as it gave me ideas of what layouts and styles of poster to work from. Below, is a screenshot of my research and the images I looked at to get general ideas from, some poster designs were more modern that others but some were very artistic, so I've chosen two posters that I find useful towards my work.

These two images are ones that stood out to me the most as I feel they can help me with my poster designing. The poster on the left is very professional but is also slightly boring as the colour scheme is basic and there is a lot of text. However the poster on the right is much more exciting to look at as it has a better range of colours and a more suited style of text. From this research I will work from both these images as they both inspire me and have given me ideas for my poster designs.

As well as using the research I've previously done I've also researched into past artists and designers to influence my work. Bauhaus has been a big part of my designs as I like the layouts of their designs and the different shapes they use. I also like the look of how Bauhaus uses line work and create an abstract vibe to its work. I have worked from Bauhaus in many of my units as I find it very helpful so using it again for my poster designs and following business cards will be beneficial. 

Ive also researched in De Stijl's work, this has also been very beneficial as shown below. I've used line work and block colours like both artists use but kept areas of my work in it such as the image of the painted wall. By doing this it has created a very artistic but yet modern design so I will continue looking into these artists to help towards my other work with in this unit.
