Experimenting with photoshop and illustrator

Ive started by measuring accurately the hight and width of the shapes of the postbox design, then placed the measurements into illustrator to have a template of the postbox. Then after this I'm going to take photos of my work and my groups work and place it into photoshop and experiment with curves, selective colour and the paint tool if necessary. Measuring the shapes for the post box was important as I needed to make sure I did the correct measurements so that the design is accurate and exact for it. 

After creating the basic template, I then took a photo of the spray painted painting on a plain white wall. I then transferred it into photoshop and began to edit it. Firstly I cropped the excess bits of the image i didn't want such as the outline of the paper and separate paint marks, then began playing about with the curves option and levels to create a bright and slightly neon look to the image. I had to be careful when doing this as if I made the curves too bright the image would fade and disappear, so I only edited the curves a little bit. After using the curves option I then looked at the selective colours, I began to enhance the greens and the yellows with in the image to make them bolder and more intense then took all the magnet and cyan out of the background to make the white as clear as i could so that it blends with the illustrator document evenly. Lastly I then dragged the image into the illustrator document and started to develop my ideas further. 

After completing a design in illustrator I've now looked back on it and realised that the circle area and long thick line above the design is very poor. So I came up with the idea to screen shot the area I was focusing on and begin to edit it in photoshop. I played around with the curves and adjustments to get a less bold look to the shapes. Then after completing the new design for the area I dragged it into illustrator and placed it inside the circle. Also to make sure the background of the new photo was blended properly I went into selective colour and took out all the whites. In my opinion I still think there is much room for improvement, for example I feel that the background is still to plane, the colours can be improved and varied more and the layout of the roads could be adjusted. I am going to create another picture of similar drawings and take a photo of it and experiment in photoshop to see if i can create a better design for the post box.
