More finger paintings of life drawing

After working with my fingers and paint I knew I can work well with these so I did the same again the following week. However this time I tried different colours and different positions of the model for example, sat down on a cloth or a chair and in certain ones I included the background just to see how it'd look and if it'd affect the look of the model. The skin of the model I am very happy with as I've made it look slightly abstract but still realistic as I've used light pinks and greys for the skin colour and added yellow where the light hits the creases and arcs in her back. Same with the darker areas I've used blues and browns to form a shadow and glow to the section of her body. Finger painting is one of my many enjoyments as I used my favourite material; paint and can feel relaxed when working with my fingers.

Therefore working with my fingers then lead me onto using different materials like spatulas and rulers. This particular piece of work I am not so happy with as I feel it is messy and very out of proportion, However it is still experimentation work and can still be used in my future assignments. As we only have 10 minutes for each drawing I did not finish it but I did complete the upper outline of the model's body. I chose reds, oranges and yellows for this painting as the place where I was sat had heavy lighting shining on many areas of her body so I chose light colours that link with light e.g. yellow and white. Looking into artists that work with spatulas and fingers can be useful so for this reason I will do so. 
