Current development of the Bauhaus idea for my survival guide

This is a screenshot of my current idea for my second survival guide. As you can see I have placed photos of bauhaus logos around the plan to help me bounce of ideas and see what shapes and features they have used. I have discovered that they use many sizes of lines, triangles, circles and squares, this then lead me towards using these shapes but in my own unique way. In the photo is several photos of bauhaus designs and shapes I have created, I did this to bounce ideas off of them to use for my cover. However I also lined up the shape box, pen tool box and lines box so that I had them i  front of my design so I was able to create an idea I had straight away. Also below the design is my colour box this was very useful being where it is as it wasn't in the way and it gave me a chance to include toned colours and different shades of colours. 

Although I am pleased with my first attempt at this particular design, I do feel that I can improve it in many ways. For example I will include more detail in areas which are blank and I sense I need to use less bolder colours, however I will experiment with that in photoshop. I also believe that the writing needs to be presented in a different way such as, formed around the B or along a line.
