First attempt at real life drawing using a stick and charcoal

This is my first attempt at real life drawing using a willow stick and charcoal taped to the end. I began by using a sheet of A1 white paper and drew the model as she was in front of me, using the willow stick in my opinion was very hard as I felt I had no control of my drawing and made the piece of work untidy and not neat. However by doing this it made me realise why we were doing it, this was because our teacher was guiding us to experiment and be more fluent with work like this and to have less restrictions on the size of paper and the accuracy of the drawings. For my second attempt I changed the colour of the paper just to experiment on if it'd look different in any way or even if it would improve my work. To improve my life drawing in the future, using paint and oil pastels will be a goal of mine and possibly looking into artists and wok from them.
